• WordPress升级到3.6

    其实我很早就知道最近WordPress要升级了,因为前几天在提交zAlive主题的时候在WordPress主题目录里面看到了Twenty Thirteen主题的ticket,当时还在纳闷这货是咋回事,等到第二天WordPress发布3.6更新后才恍然大悟(够迟钝,不过话说我当时也没多想嘛~

  • WordPress2.8.6升级失败及解决实战


    2.8.6 fixes two security problems that can be exploited by registered, logged in users who have posting privileges.  If you have untrusted authors on your blog, upgrading to 2.8.6 is recommended.

    The first problem is an XSS vulnerability in Press This discovered by Benjamin Flesch.  The second problem, discovered by Dawid Golunski, is an issue with sanitizing uploaded file names that can be exploited in certain Apache configurations. Thanks to Benjamin and Dawid for finding and reporting these. 更多...